Back in Time

So as it stands, we have really have been lucky to have such a non running car to start with. We have replaced all the fluids, and necessary parts to get it running. Now it was time to get it legal. Image

See? It’s starting to come together.

Chasing down the electrical gremlins have been a chore. I replaced all the headlights, and all the turn signals only to find that there some connectivity issues with the tail light boards. so I yanked those out cleaned them up, and reinforced the solder connection points. When we first lifted the rear hood WAAAAAY BACK when we first got it, most know it was covered in mud dauber and yellow jacket nests. When I pulled the light boards I found more…like Pompei.


But the surprise is when I went to replace the headliner. It started with me wanting to replace the bulb in the cabin light. As I started to remove it, I wanted a little slack on the wires, and began to lightly tug on them. This is what cam falling down attached to the cords:




Three big ass mud daubers nests. Well that’s all for this one. I’ll post another from when we removed the headliner and exposed the “Caveman Drawings”. 


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